Get vastly more precise results from mathematical formulas in Microsoft Excel with xlPrecision, an Add-In for Excel.
Do arithmetic and other numeric analysis on very large numbers without rounding or truncating your numbers to 15 significant digits, as Excel does on its own. Don't be held back by Excel's limitation of only 15 significant digits!
Eliminate the stealthy binary conversion errors that plague spreadsheets. Binary conversion errors do not occur with xlPrecision in Excel.
Use much larger (and much smaller) numbers than Excel allows on its own. Excel only understands numbers from about 2.223E-308 to about 1.798E 308. With xlPrecision in Excel, use numbers as tiny as 1.000E-32765 and as huge as about 9.999E 32766.
xlPrecision offers many additional features that take you beyond Excel's capabilities in other ways.